valleydale’s E-learning
Valleydale Church wants to help dual-working and single parents as Oak Mountain Elementary school is moving to remote learning due to damage incurred to the building during the recent tornado.
Offerings will be: Monday through Friday 7:45 AM - 3:30 PM beginning Monday, March 29, for pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade.
Children will participate in all school-instructed/led activities for the day. Each child must bring all e-learning tools and resources. A volunteer will be assigned to small groups of kids to keep them on track and assist as needed throughout the school day.
Social-distancing and mask-wearing will be adhered to within the building.
Space is limited in order to ensure social-distancing and appropriate volunteer/child ratios. Links to all required forms and other helpful information are linked below.
Help is needed!
If you are interested in helping our kids and families with their online learning, please fill out the form below!